Tuesday, August 26, 2008
The sun burns! I thought summer was over...
I've been lazy I admit, I should have written a while ago, it's not like moving my fingers along the keyboard is really that difficult, of course writing this does require some brain power, which sometimes I don't seem to have. I'm listening to sherwood right now, I got some new songs from them and their awesome so are the wombats, their from england which is cool! So I spent all this time writing a story for my step brother for his birthday and when he first sees me he says he hates me and hits me, I know he's having trouble adjusting but he really seems to hate me, I never even mentioned his present. Anyway school started yesterday and I made it confusing for myself, again. I'm going part time, my foot in two different schools, the best of both worlds right? Well it can get really confusing, but I'm happy, I really like having choices, a little of each I don't know if I could stand to sit in classrooms all day long! It was soooo hot yesterday and I go to school in the afternoons, it was torture and the longest most boring school day ever! Mostly because it was the first day where the teachers read disclosures and all that, my other school hasn't started yet and so up until noon I really have nothing to do, I guess that's why I decided to write this, only an hour and a half more, I'll find some way to pass the time, mostly I've just been reading and writing and listening to my little brother play his computer games with the volume turned up all the way, of course I try to drown it out with my music, doesn't always work, well enough of the meaningless typing, I think my brain is getting sick of staring at a screen, algebra should do me some good, might make my brain happy at least, that's all for today, zoning out...right now.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Apples, Bannanas, and Flying Cows

Sooooooo here I am finally finding myself writing this, I wanted to post a blog on 8/8/08 so the blog date would say 8/8/08 and that would be pretty cool, actually last year I wanted to write in my journal on 7/7/07 but I ended up not doing that either, once the year 2013 comes along there won't be anymore of these special dates so next year I can't forget, wow it's been a whole year since 7/7/07 and I don't even know where all that time went, it seems like not long ago I was sitting on the couch being lazy thinking that I should write in my journal about that date before the day ended. It seems at times that I want to grow up so fast and than I look back and see how fast it really is going and I realize I don't really want to waste my life away wishing I was a year older than I was, that is never going to do me any good. Now finally to explain the image at the top, I know I'm extremely weird so this next thing shouldn't make you think I'm any more weird, right? Anyway I have the perfect picture of me, the flying cow(above), that must sound weird but I am like totally obsessed with flying cows, okay not that obsessed but I do like them maybe it's just because their a random thing and I'm a random person, I also really like potatoes, bet you didn't see that one coming anyway so the picture is there at the top as you may have noticed. That is all I have to say for now, well actually I have to quiet writing because my friend is going to drive me insane by singing the song apples and bannanas. Here is the link if you want to hear the extremely annoying song and feel my pain!
Monday, August 4, 2008
Out of the fridge and into the oven
If anybody can guess where I am right now speak up, that's right I'm here in the burning never ending heat of Utah, as my dad said "Welcome back to the oven!" At least we have good food here right? Any way the willow tree in the front of our yard is dying and it makes me really sad, I mean I know this sounds silly but it was my friend. I haven't been outside much since i got back, the heat makes me feel so lazy and tired, I want to like run around the block at midnight when i can actually feel a chill, in fact last night I was on the grass at midnight, the place I always go when I can't sleep. I know I' m totally weird, and yet at night is like my day, it's when all the ideas flow to my head, I can think more clearly, especially when I'm out in the night air. At midnight last night I decided to paint this magnet board my friend gave to me last year, and then I started making up another board game, this would be my fourth. My room smells like paint now, but I don't care much, it also seems to be cluttered in wrapping paper, paint brushes, beads, poster board, scissors, glue and I think you get the picture, I'll clean it up sooner or later. Anyway the real reason I'm posting this is to say I have returned successfully back out of the fridge and into the oven. Warning: If this blog post inspired you to lay on the grass at midnight do so with caution, after all sleepless nights never did much good for me!
Friday, August 1, 2008
The Child Psychiatrist
Guess what I found out? We're terrible children, well our family's not perfect anyway. The lady we're staying with kicked us out of her house, she said the neighbors were complaining. She's a child psychiatrist and her children are like perfect, they never fight, quarrel or anything. So yeah she thinks we need "serious medical help" I don't know what's wrong with us, I mean most people I meet end up thinking stuff like that. I mean I don't think I'm some kind of alien, I think I'm a human that lives on planet earth. Anway that's all the bad news but the good news is I get to come home earlly, today actually, which is cool but this psychiatrist still kind of bothers me. This lady thinks my dad is such a great guy, she thinks he'll be our savior our only chance at sanity, she seriously thinks we're like going crazy or something, if there is something really wrong with me I think somebody should say something. I mean I've never been a real fan of psychiatrists they never know how you really feel and yet they think that they do. We're just kids, we're only human, we're still learning, just because we sometimes cry when we're sad, or get angry at times when our siblings really, really get annoying doesn't mean we're crazy right? Just because we're not perfect doesn't mean we need "serious medical help" and I mean really if you agree with the psychiatrist tell me, I think I should know if there's something messed up in my mind!
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