Wednesday, September 17, 2008

A helping hand

No one sees the girl,
as she sits alone, so alone.
No one cares to say hello,
everyone passes no one notices.
Tears run down the small child's face,
a face where a smile should have been.
Legs held tight to her chest,
arms wrapped gently about her.
People pass her on their way to their busy lives,
only no one stops to see the girl with tears on her face.
Until one day someone sees,
and that someone changed her world.
I do not know really why I wrote this post only that I did, and that this short poem is not really fictional but is more real than we can ever know, the last two lines don't have to be there, it can end with 'the tears on her face', but those two lines are there in hopes that there is some one who would help such a child, we don't even know how much of a difference we can make in one little girls life, that difference can amaze you and can amaze me. That pretty much explains the poem though it does not explain my reason for placing it here, I guess you could call it, inspiration that needed to be written down. As in the above picture we can offer a helping hand to the child, we can change their world, in some cases we may even save their life, this is the simple truth, we live in a world where terrible things happen to children, we have it extremely good. If the time comes that I ever meet one of these children I hope I will be brave enough, strong enough to reach out my hand and pull her up.

Monday, September 15, 2008

I want to...

I am soooooooo bored! I want to listen to music, I want to spread eagle on my carpet, I want to curl up in bed and be a rock, I want to run in the rain, I want do a cartwheel, I want to climb on the roof, I want to fly a cow, I want to grow a potato tree...I actually really do not know what I want to do, at all! This totally sucks, I have gotten what, like two hours of sleep in the last three days? Excuuuuse me if I can't think correctly, I think I had brain damage since I was born! So I'm in this war with my friend, my flying cows against her fat sheep that can roll, only it seems we're at a stand still, we've been in this war what, a month and neither of us will give in to the other! Elle, if your reading this right now you are going to lose, I will prevail my cows are soooooo much better than your sheep! Anyway that is all for now, this post began with no point and will end with no point and so I say...Hey look a Llama!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Saying goodbye...

Yesterday we had some bad news, we have to get rid of all our cats, all four of them. The parents have threatened with it before, but this time I'm afraid their actually going go through with it. I love my cat, Taffy, so much. The only reason they have to get rid of them is because their finding pee all over the house, the problem is why do we have to get rid of all of them when it's probably just one or two cats? Only the other problem is how do we know which one, I've tried other things, expierements on my own and I am almost completely certain my cat is not one of the culprits, only the parents havn't seen the evidence I've seen and how are they to beleive what I beleive if I'm not even absolutely sure myself? The thing is there were so many things I told them they could have tried a while ago and by now they probably would have had just as much pee in the house only they'd have known which cat(s) had done it. I love my kitty, she is my comforter when I'm sad, and I hate to get rid of her. I can only hope that I can find my loving cat a home. Two times now I have, or my cat has been, the culprit of accusations. I already had to get rid of my first cat, Licorice, to the pound, no one can know what that was like, how terrible it felt to hear his frightened meows, imagine having remembered the last moments spent with your cat of him balled up against the back of a carrier, hair standing on end, frightened and scared. It was not my fault that I was forced to give him up and yet I am the one that feels the guilt when I remember the way the woman at the pound looked at me, I am the one who still gets tears to my eyes when I think of those last pictures I have of him, no I will not do it again, if Taffy ends up having to be taken to the pound I will not take her, I would so much rather have my last memories be holding her in my arms, if the parents want the cats gone they should do the dirty work, they should feel the guilt as the woman looks in their eyes with dissapointment. But I'm not giving up yet, I'm going to try to find her a home, she is a good cat and I love her as if she were part of our family, I'm sure someone else could love her just as much. The saddest part is though the parents keep them outside and so we can't even spend any of the last few days, hugging, playing and remembering our loving pets, instead we can only hear their tortured meows as they cry out to be let inside. I don't mean to make the parents sound like the bad guys, I mean what else are they to do? I know it's hurting my mom too, not because she actually cares about the animals, but because she knows getting rid of them will hurt us, the children. I'd like to end with a short poem I wrote last night when I couldn't sleep.

To never feel her gentle fur
To never hear her happy purr

To never hold her close to me
To never pet her while she sleeps

To never see her green, green eyes
To never hold her as I cry

Because now I have to say "goodbye"

Monday, September 8, 2008

Packing my bags and I'm out of here, as soon as I turn eighteen...

When the wood floors shake beneath your feet and you hear a very loud banging noise like thunder much too close for comfort, well it ain't no earthquake it actually happens to be a washer machine, dun, dun, dun, dun. Especially on spin cycle, your afraid that thing is going to blow up in your face along with all the clothes in it, that is one scary thing, I don't think it can help it really it was never a good washer and it is older but our nice washer broke so out with the calm swishing and in with the thunder! I'm so excited that the signs of fall are actually here, it does happen to be my favorite season, not that it has anything to do with my birthday being in October or anything, okay maybe just a little bit. But I really do love the way the leaves turn color, I love the soft cool breezes blowing in, the wind and the rain (that's my favorite part) altogether fall to me, is the perfect season. I never really liked snow though, or sweltering heat, I've always wanted to move to Oregon, they never get snow where my cousins live and hardly ever have sweltering heat, mostly just rain and wind, which would be nice, very nice. Okay well now that you got me started I'm going to have to tell you all the places I want to live, working at my grandma's allowed me to pick up on a few geographical things.
Boring or Zigzag, Oregon
Chattanooga, Tennessee 
Chickamaunga, Minnesota or Michigan ??
Atlama or Gill, Georgia
and last but certainly not least
Sandwitch, wherever that is one of the M states, how am I supposed to remember?
Anyway I think that's enough writing for today, oh and news, I got my passport two days ago I am now a free woman! I can't wait to go to Whales, Great Britain, that's the first place on my list and guess what, my dad said he'd take me for my birthday, mostly because he's a flight attendant and we have free flights, but that is still sooo cool! This is the end of todays post if you are still reading than your just like me and can't be satisfied until the text comes to a complete stop, but what if I just kept on typing and typing and typing than would you ever get off the computer, ever? It's kind of like the game, big red button, if you've never played it, you should now is the official end to the text.