Monday, August 4, 2008

Out of the fridge and into the oven

If anybody can guess where I am right now speak up, that's right I'm here in the burning never ending heat of Utah, as my dad said "Welcome back to the oven!" At least we have good food here right? Any way the willow tree in the front of our yard is dying and it makes me really sad, I mean I know this sounds silly but it was my friend. I haven't been outside much since i got back, the heat makes me feel so lazy and tired, I want to like run around the block at midnight when i can actually feel a chill, in fact last night I was on the grass at midnight, the place I always go when I can't sleep. I know I' m totally weird, and yet at night is like my day, it's when all the ideas flow to my head, I can think more clearly, especially when I'm out in the night air. At midnight last night I decided to paint this magnet board my friend gave to me last year, and then I started making up another board game, this would be my fourth. My room smells like paint now, but I don't care much, it also seems to be cluttered in wrapping paper, paint brushes, beads, poster board, scissors, glue and I think you get the picture, I'll clean it up sooner or later. Anyway the real reason I'm posting this is to say I have returned successfully back out of the fridge and into the oven. Warning: If this blog post inspired you to lay on the grass at midnight do so with caution, after all sleepless nights never did much good for me!

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