Friday, July 25, 2008

Our world of Peace

Today I think I figured out another secret of nature. For years I've tried to hear a tree, that may sound a little weird but it's true, if you can connect with nature enough you can feel the trees life force running through you, yeah I know it sounds weird but it's totally cool. I went way up in the hills following an old stream bed and I found this enormous tree. My longing/curious side took over and I climbed it, I went as high as I could then stopped. I remembered the words from my book-Fu means to grow, to become, you must become like the wind as it whispers through the trees, you must grow tall like a tree standing firm and immovable. I placed my hands flat on the tree and listened, I didn't move, I ignored the tingly's on my legs that could have been bugs, I ignored the occasional rustle in the bushes and I just listened. It was such a weird feeling, if I were to describe it I would really say that I could feel the trees life force, although that sound a little weird. It was like my whole arm started tingling as if something was running through my veins. I probably sound all wacko to you, but it's true. Today I learned that nature is peace, that the wind is calming, the earth soft and kind, the trees are there as guardians to watch over the land, and we as humans were given all this peace and beauty, yet we destroy it, we replace it with our roads and houses and amidst all the peace there is war. Everybody wants world peace right? Well we already have it, all around us, we don't need world peace, the world is peace and we can hear it if we listen, every time the wind blows, every time we pass by one of the great guardians, every time we hear the rushing sounds of a stream, if we listen we can hear the message and we can feel peace.

1 comment:

Learn to Clog said...

You know what? I absolutly think that is right! all we have to do is listen but no! we want to be billion airs cutting down trees and building resorts! I hope the earth is coming to an end that way jesus will save what is left of this forsaken earth!!!!!!
